2022 Paris Mac & Cheese Fest Ad

Top Chefs, Food Trucks and Food Vendors Serving up the World’s Most Amazing (and Cheesiest!) Dish –Mac and Cheese!

This year we have decided to double down and give you 2 events in 1. We are bringing you a curated menu of Mac & Cheese with CANADA’S BEST DESSERT!

Imagine this if you will – Mac and Cheese Fest with The Great Canadian ButterTart Fest! I know – how could we do something so deliciously tempting!

Mark yourself as going and more details will be announced soon!

This is an indoor/outdoor event.

Paris Fairgrounds
October 22 & 23 – 11am-4pm
$5 admission (cash only)
12 & under free
Anyone wishing to join the event as a vendor is welcome to apply at www.allcanadianevents.com.